Sunday, February 15, 2009

On track.

Start. Had an amazing breakfast cooked by the girls on the flip side of the wall. Found out about Stew Leonard's, or 'Disney World meets grocery shopping' as some refer to it. Constructed a turtle friendly racetrack. Watched new turtle housemates Stu and Leonard, compete on said track. Stu somehow won, despite Leonard's clear energetic edge. Utilized facebook as a verb, in every interpretation. Worked on an exceptionally challenging project with an exceptionally challenged group of advertising majors. Kept doing that for 4 and a half hours. Had a genuine laughing fit while reading my friend's '25 random things...' list on facebook - hate it, but entertaining if well executed (props Meghan Burke). Discovered - visit and you'll be shamefully addicted. Threw left over pasta in the microwave for two minutes. Stirred it. Then one more minute. Sat down to watch TV. Channel surfed for 45 minutes and didn't find a thing worth while. Realized how technologically spoiled I can be. Sat down to do homework. Started browsing youtube. Now I'm finally writing my blog. Still haven't done that homework. Well that's Sunday. For some reason it's usually the hardest blog for me to write. I never know where to begin. Irony? End.


  1. haha I showed to my roomies and now they are addicted

  2. sooo i havent commented on you in forever and your a blogging genius aaand i feel guilty.
    hello. this is your comment.
