Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Frozen Minds.

This is ALL about my town. If you read past the cute reminiscence of the ice cream parlor, you'll find all the reasons I wanted to leave. It's not the developers and immigrants by any means...my issue lies with the outspoken Caucasians who think they know what being "American" is all about. It bites me when people insult a culture, for having a culture. What does "change" mean to them, I wonder?



  1. Hmm... I believe this goes way beyond the nostalgia of an ice cream parlor. These "caucasian" people are losing their culture, in a way, too. This works both ways... I wouldn't call these longtime Bellerose residents ignorant. They know what being American is about to them and a desire to hold on to that is at least somewhat respectable. The issue likely has a lot to do with commercialization. Change isn't easy. But, I see both sides.

  2. I understand their nostalgia for "old Bellerose" completely. As far as a desire to hold onto what being "American" is about to them...I have a hard time sympathizing, yet I do see their point. I just don't think it's a good one. I think the issue should have a lot, if not all to do with commercialization. Unfortunately I don't think that's the actual issue here. The issue, in my eyes, is that these "caucasian" citizens aren't creating a respectable argument against this commercialization. They're spending more time culutre-bashing than they are taking an actual stance against building codes and housing restrictions. I've been a witness for years. I guess overall, I see both sides, as well, I just have a hard time resecting one of them.

    -the biased local, Tim
