Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dodging THAT moment.

Now that I'm back in the swing of things at college, I've found myself tackling a little issue...avoiding people. Don't get me wrong, I love people, but after being gone one month, so much of the student body feels the need to over-embellish the time spent apart, using fake smiles and starting every conversation with THAT question: "How was your break?"

So here are my top 5 ways to avoid the post winter-break reunion encounter:

5. Leave for class a full half hour earlier than usual. This avoids being caught in the typical commuter traffic on school pathways. If you don't see anyone, you can't awkwardly encounter them.

4. Leave for class at the last possible moment. This will force you to move quickly and efficiently. If you do encounter anyone you can pull the old 'point at the invisible watch and wave' stunt.

3. Try a radical wardrobe addition or hairstyle. By doing this (and avoiding direct eye contact) people will be reluctant to assume it's actually you. They'd feel like a perfect ass hugging the wrong person.

2. Electronic accessories. This method is probably the most simple. If you have an iPod (or at least the headphones) - use it. Keep your head down and any passing faces will be forced to assume your caught in the tunes. Cell phones can also work here, and are sometimes better. Putting that speaker to your ear is a powerful weapon when paired with some fictional dialogue. The iPod thing can often fail, some friends will actually feel comfortable stepping into your line of vision or ripping out your headphones. But if you're on the phone having a fight with your mom or explaining what went wrong on the night of your senior prom - people WILL back off.

1. (Liberally biased) Wear Obama apparel. If you encounter any republican friends they'll probably take precaution not to speak to you, so you have nothing to worry about. Any politically apathetic friends will also avoid speaking with you - not because they hate Obama, but because they're probably ashamed they haven't watched the news since TRL went off the air. I can't guarantee you'll escape your democratic friends, but if they do find you, they'll probably bring up the election almost immedietely. Then you can throw out a simple excuse to wrap it up before they ever get to the highly avoided question - "how was break?"

* These methods will also work to avoid general conversation with fellow human beings.