Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dance with Everyone.

SO nothing too interesting happened since my last post.  I did go to Ricky's house for tacos at 12:30 in the morning for the sake of eating tacos, and seeing friends too I guess.  It was freezing.  I don't know why her housemates think indoor heating isn't a wise investment.  It's a great investment.  Invest, I say.  Anyway,we listened to some old school music.  And by old school I don't mean Willenium or Meredith Brooks, I mean Outcry and Stereo Skyline (circa 2007).  It was even more interesting listening to the music with the people who once created it.  Funny at times, perplexing at others.  

I typically don't write during the day.  But today's a little different.  The guys are playing Highline Ballroom tonight.  Big show.  Not the biggest.  But very very big.  How's that Nate?  Anyway, I figure I'll be out late.  But I wanted to leave you with something to read/see.  

The video below is pretty well known.  Sorry if you've already seen it (Molly).  But it's still pretty cool to watch.  It will have its lovers and its haters.  There's not much to it.  Just some guy who dances.  Everywhere.  With everyone.  And though it may seem like a silly concept dressed up in fancy music, I still think it's great.  Unity is a an exceptional concept. 


  1. You have to get clearance and pay license fees for the use of my name and likeness. Thanks.

  2. I want to be that guy! Although I think I would do the running man around the world.

  3. hahaha funny you should post this because just last week i rewatched this video and thought about it's my favorite thing in the entire world. it's just so simple but great. kind of makes me tear up when i watch it.

  4. i can not wait to read your next post
