I run. For the train.
I make it. Just in time.
Windows become mirrors underneath this water
I check my hair in the new addition.
I’m okay. I’ll be fine. Skip thinking today.
Grande soy latte please.
And this fruit. I could use some fruit. I’ll take this fruit.
One grande soy latte.
I have the music.
It makes the mimes around me dance a funny dance, and the beggar’s song a sad one.
More tracks. Big lights. Cold air.
Toys can warm my soul. They must. Killing time. Toys are everywhere.
Time killed, I’m alive. I’m inside.
Copy copy copy
The window here is stories high.
Outside a big big ball looks me in the eye.
It’s way bigger than from the street.
Below it, I get it, it's definitely not 2008
Copy Copy copy
I listen through my cube
Copy copy copy
Back to the machine.
People mean well. I’m doing well. I’ll do well.
More lights, less sky. Alive is the world.
I dive underground. I ride my way home.
Music on.
I stare at this woman. She stares back.
I can tell we’ll stay strangers. I can tell she thinks back.
My stop. No ride. I’ll walk.
Perfect day. :)